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Monday, October 11, 2010

From our director's blog

There will be some changes happening in the next several months involving our consortium (Prairie Area Library System). Our director Jennie, explains it below best she can.

It's not news to anyone that the State of Illinois is in financial trouble, and it's affecting all sorts of State agencies, including library systems. Library systems have received very little of the funds budgeted for them by the state this year, causing financial shortfalls. All of the systems have had to do lay-offs, in many cases laying off employees who had put in decades' worth of service. In one case (North Suburban Library System), almost everyone was laid off, and libraries had to commit local dollars in order to maintain core services.

Why did libraries choose to do that? Well, because library systems do a lot of the back-end stuff that help local libraries, including delivery of requested items among the libraries in their system. Our library system is the Prairie Area Library System (PALS), and due to their budget problems, PALS is looking to merge with four other Northern library systems (there are currently 9 total library systems). The five Northern systems that will be merging are: Alliance Library System, DuPage Library System, Metropolitan Library System, North Suburban Library System, and Prairie Area Library System.

There is a Merger Design Team in place, made up of representatives from the five systems. The Design Team meets regularly (there's a meeting scheduled for tonight, October 4th, at Metropolitan System headquarters), and subcommittees are forming. Representatives are working hard to see that everything is in place before the June 30, 2011 merger. Library Directors (including myself) are taking a great deal of interest in the meetings, and making an effort to attend each one.

And yes, I know that all of this is a little confusing, and you're wondering how it affects the Shorewood-Troy Public Library. The answer is, "I don't know." A lot depends on whether the State ever makes good on its commitment to fund systems. A lot depends on how the new System (name To Be Announced) sets up its rules and structures. A lot depends on a lot of different things, actually, and it's very hard to say what will actually happen. That's why the Library Directors are spending so much time going to these meetings and watching and talking.

But here's a good idea of what could potentially happen:
  • Delivery of items may be affected. There may be fewer delivery days, which will mean longer waits for material.
  • There may be restrictions on the types of materials that could be requested from other libraries: you may not be able to place requests for "new" items and the quantity of items you may request at one time could be limited.
  • The Shorewood-Troy Library may have to pick up additional costs to support the delivery of items. This will mean less money available for books and programs.
I do want to point out that the Shorewood-Troy Library will be here, serving our community, for many years to come. The Systems are having financial troubles because they are funded by state dollars. Your Shorewood-Troy Library is funded (mostly) by local property tax dollars, and we operate in a fiscally sound manner.

But the things that Library Systems support, like delivery, that . . . well, that is a different story. Without money (and I don't mean they are just a little short. They have no money), it may mean lots of adjustments for local libraries.

As decisions are made that affect you and your family, as you make use of the library, I'll be sure to keep you updated. Also, I know this might be as clear as mud, so please feel free to email me at or stop in and see me, and I will try to answer any questions as best I can.

-Posted October 4 by Jennie Cisna Mills

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