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Monday, July 19, 2010

Book Review - "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls

Ever thought your family was strange? Well, without even knowing them, I am going to bet that they cannot even hold a candle to Jeannette Walls eccentric parents.

"The Glass Castle" is a stunning memoir, both humorous and shocking about Walls' unorthodox upbringing. Her parents were unconventional to say the least - they moved the children around, always in search of a new adventure (or in many cases, running away from authorities). With a fantastic storytelling knack, Walls describes the father that was her childhood hero, even though he did have the tendency to "drink a bit" and her go-with-the flow, artistic mother. The Walls children learned to support themselves, eating out of trashcans at school or painting their skin so the holes in their pants didn't show. Buck-toothed Jeannette even tried making her own braces when she heard what orthodontia cost. One by one, each child escaped to New York City. Still, it wasn't long before their parents appeared on their doorsteps. "Why not?" Mom said. "Being homeless is an adventure."

If you haven't read this book yet, add it to the top of your list.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Make a fun craft this summer!

School has been out for a month now, and the weather has been great for all sorts of activities. However, there will be a time in the not-so-distant future when "I'm bored!" will echo the walls. Why not stop by the library and pick up one of our many books on fun crafts? We have tons to choose from! Below are a few of my favorites:

  • "Pet Crafts: Everything you Need to Become your Pet's Craft Star!" by Megan Friday
  • "Fairy World Crafts" by Kathy Ross
  • "Picture this: Fun Photography and Crafts" by Debra Friedman"
  • "Earth Friendly Crafts for Kids" by Heather Smith

    Try out this craft at home!

Bubble Prin
t Art

Materials Needed:

  • Tempera Paint
  • Liquid Dish Soap
  • Paper
  • Drinking Straws

Stir together 1/2 cup water, 1-2 tablespoons paint, and 1/2-1 tablespoon dish soap; pour it into a shallow dish, such as a pie pan. Place one end of a straw in the paint/soap mixture and gently blow to make bubbles. Blow until the bubbles are almost over the edge of the pan. Place a piece of paper on top of the bubbles and hold it in place until several bubbles have popped and transferred their shape onto the paper - this makes a fun bubble print! Continue the process with different colors if you want. Blow more bubbles as needed. Set aside to dry. When dry, you can add drawings to your bubble pictures if you want.